The Compassiviste Anthology: Volume One | Visions for Peace

What does it mean to live in harmony? Is true peace even possible? And how do we continue to live meaningful lives when conflict seems so inescapable?

In this collection of essays, short stories, book extracts and poetry, authors from around the world reflect on the theme “Visions for Peace” and what it means to them.

All profits from the sale of How to Change the World: The Compassiviste Anthology go to the Compassiviste Foundation to help build a fairer and more harmonious Planet Earth.

Contributors include: Carl M.A. Arden, Joe Bisicchia, Bhargavi Chatterjea Bhattacharyya, BA Brittingham, Vanessa Caraveo, Binod Dawadi, Libby Hoffman, Ali Horriyat, Stacey Huish, Barbara Anna Gaiardoni, Nitsan Joy Gordon, Robert Kingett, Rebecca Klassen, Christine Law, Allan Lake, Anna Maria Mickiewicz, Davion Moore, Jon Nakapalau, James B. Nicola, Honey Novick, KV Raghupathi, CLS Sandoval, Ndaba Sibanda, SP Singh and Lynn White.

Visions for Peace is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.

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